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Ecology-Cafe.net >> English >> What is Eco-Cafe?

English Page - What is Eco-Cafe? -

As everyone is aware, various environmental issues are currently being discussed world wide. We have to face uncountable problems including land development, deforestation, and air contamination. Within such a world, we humans are spending our everyday lives together with many other animals and plants. Ecology Cafe is barrier-free in age and locality; wehope toprovide aplatformwhere anyone can participate to openlyconverse, discuss and exchangeideas so we can all gain further understanding of environment preservation processes and the importance of biodiversity, whichin return would suggest new lifestyles forthe participants.

Our Future Activity Principles

We aspire to creating a preface for all members to create new ways of broadening the societal understanding for "circulation" and "co-existence", including the concept of values and sustainment that follow these two words by increasing our knowledge of endangered fauna and flora species and their life cycles. Our non-profit organization stands for the following slogans:

1. We will support all activities that preserve and protect endangered fauna and flora species such as Green Turtles, Blakiston's Fish Owl, Mortonagrion Asahina Dragonfly, and Japan Cypripedium, regionally unique eco-systems, and original strains of food ingredients used in traditional meals.

2. By researching these animals and plants, we will develop new methods for educating children and training adults, while we create a field and archives for eco-tourism.

3. We will construct a scheme in which all members intrerested in the above mentioned fauna and flora may participate to openly and freely exchange their opinions regarding those topics.
